Vision & Mission




Be a light to the world


IIBS believes in redefining talents through creative thinking, experiential learning, skill and personality development through extensive finishing school activities, and global exposure.

Vision And Mission Of IIBS

Our Vision

To provide the underprivileged students innovative, holistic & global education to bring equity in the society

Our Mission

  1. To provide learning opportunities to uplift under privileged students
  2. To encourage the students with modern education to bring economic emancipation and social
  3.  To provide the resources and opportunities to create global leaders.
  4.  To provide holistic approach to prepare the students to grow personally, professionally, socially,
    emotionally to make complete human being.
  5. To redefine the students’ talents to make them successful entrepreneurs and responsible citizens.
  6.  To create great human beings with values and ethics

Organisation Chart




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